It's hard to write uplifting blog posts about family right now. Terrible things are happening within our country to children. The sweet, funny, curious, inquisitive little hell raisers I photograph every session. I think of them. I think of every tiny micro movement of love shown by parents that I've used my camera to capture. I think of how each family I photograph is its own world, insulated and safe and unique. I think about how only mom knows what particular things her toddler likes or doesn't like this month and the language that they speak. How some families break, and that's ok, because with strength hopefully one parent is now both. Facing fear and daily tantrums down with as much humanity and strength as they can offer. Then I think about the families we're breaking that still long to be together.
I think about what we're doing at the border. I think of how we're letting children go to bed in fear, most unable to communicate their needs, if they would be heard at all. I think about a mother's hand, terrified herself, reaching for a child we won't let her hold.
I think of the past and how we've been this monstrous before, and how monstrous we became next.
I hope for a better tomorrow.
Please consider donating to RAICES. If you can't afford to donate (and even if you can) please be a voice in our country for people who aren't permitted to have one. For children and families we won't let speak.
Below are some photos taken near Nashville, TN of a beautiful family. Of Kate & Henry.
Park Location: Montgomery Bell State Park